Exciting News!
Our Lady of Fatima Church Parish is excited to announce that we are updating our parish records and using a new system called Flocknote that will enhance our communication possibilities across the parish and ensure that we have the most current information for all parishioners.
Please register your family as members of the Parish (even if your already registered or a Our Lady of Fatima as a parishioner- this is for the new system) and then you will be directed to register any children for Faith Formation as needed. Also remember to fill in as much information as possible including if you have an existing Envelope ID number which you receive at your home address. You will also be given the opportunity to transfer to a reoccurring or one-time Online giving through Flocknote as we will be phasing out WeShare Online Giving.
We appreciate your cooperation as we try and improve our records and communications with all of Our Lady of Fatima Church families. If you have any questions please email info@OLFChurch.org.
Click Here to Register or to Login.
Mass Schedule
Weekday Service Schedule
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri at 6:00 PM
Weekend Service Schedule
Saturday at 5:00 PM (English)
Sunday at 8:00 AM (Portuguese)
Sunday at 9:30 AM (Portuguese)
Sunday at 11:00 AM (English)
Holy Days of Obligation Schedule
9:00 AM (Portuguese)
6:30 PM (English)
Schedule may vary on holidays
Upcoming Events
Tues., Feb. 11; 7 pm - Men of St. Joseph Prayer Group
Sun., Feb. 16; 12 noon - Valentine's Bingo
Rancho Fundraiser
Mon., Mon. 17 - President's Day Holiday
Rectory will be closed / Mass at 9am
Sun., Feb. 23; 12:30 pm - Matanca do Porco
Tickets: $40/adults | $40/children up to 12
May 6 - 7 - Pennsylvania Trip
$390 per person / contact Fernanda Silva, 401-744-1724
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
2:00 - 5:00 pm: Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament
5:00 pm: Holy Hour and Benediction
6:00 pm: Mass